With the popularity of network, e-marketing on integrated ceiling industry comes into being accordingly. According to the development of internet marketing concept, The Development of the E-marketing concept on Integrated Ceiling Industry can be divided into the following follow stages: Online display stage, group buying stage, integrated marketing, e-commerce. This article will present more details on each stage.

Online display stage: Household enterprise pay more attention on web design before the year 2005,. In this stage, Many enterprise just displayed their ceiling products on their websites, and nearly all the enterprise are only do business about bathroom heater and ventilator. The main function of the website in this stage is to promote corporate image and advise the products they sell. After 2005, Due to the networking groups grows intensified, few people with a keen sight started to pay attention to sell products on line. many household enterprise tends to advise on internet. They broadcast products such as fiberglass ceiling board, decorative plaster cornice , black fiberglass panel. Some companies who has no enterprise website start to budget on the building of website, and the budget of the enterprise turns from traditional media into internet advertisement.

Group buying stage: Integration ceiling distributors who are doing building materials products business are never thought to sell their products on internet. With the rapid development of e-marketing, more and more netizens want to buy building materials on internet. To meet the netizens’ demand for decoration materials (such as suspended ceiling materials), a new half-E-commerce model appears in integrated industry. Through network organization, people appointed a time and place to arrange the meet of sellers and buyers which is like the way catching a freak show in a country. In industry, enterprises called this as network group buying. This model of group buying was very popular in 2007-2009. Some company in the market focus on internet group buying business which brings profits to them.

integrated marketing stage: After 2006, the network has entered fast lane of development, the number of net citizens grows exponentially. From the year 2009, the ways on enterprise network marketing of integrated ceiling industry also presents different branches, such as blog marketing, BBS, network news marketing, search marketing, viral marketing. Enterprise network marketing also turned from pure advertising to a variety of integrated application of marketing methods. However, there is no business model of substantive changes, it is still only supports offline business.

E-commerce Stage E-commerce is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. With the emergency of e-commerce, household websites, enterprise, famous chain household manufacturers attach importance to household electricity commerce. A professional once pointed that household electricity commerce may be the last wave of electric business boom which suggest that there is a great profit space in this area while other other industry is saturated. All the integrated ceiling enterprises in the mall, start to build household enterprise network Marketing Department, and set personnel responsible for online sales and to develop network sales channels, these facts presents the household electronic commerce has come.