Emerging Markets Direct (EMD) announced the release of their latest China Steel Industry Report 2H10. It states that China ranked number one in crude steel production (reaches 567.8 million metric tons) again in 2009, which is 13.5% higher than previous year and sharing 46.3% of the world’s total.

The report first profiles the China Steel Industry.Driven by China’s economic development, production of steel reached 426.6 million tons as of August 2010, and is expected to reach 640 million tons for the full year. Finished steel products also increased significantly, EMD outlines the growth scenario of finished steel products, out of which heavy rail track material has an impressive growth of 52.8%.

The Chinese industry is highly fragmented with approximately 800 steel mills, majority state-owned in nature. EMD lists out the production by province out of which Hebei province comes first among other Chinese provinces (22% of total China production).

The EMD report then covers market trends and outlook. The Chinese government introduced measures to curb the over-heated property market in August 2010. According to our report, China’s steel consumption is expected to decelerate in 2011. As the no.1 steel importing country, what will be the impact? EMD gives you an overview of the import numbers and steel price.
It also provides a discussion on the export market. In 2009, China fell from no.1 to no.4 in the export of steel product. Exports rose by 153% YoY in the first half of 2010 due to the revival of the marco-economic condition. With the removal of tax rebates on certain steal products in July, will exports still increase in the coming months? What is the impact of China exports on other ASEAN countries?

What are the prospects of the China steel sector? What is the outlook for steel price? How does the performance differ between Chinese and non-Chinese steel producers? What are the factors leading to the difference in their EBITDA? The China Steel Industry report gives you the background to answer these questions.

Finally, it describes the competitive landscape and leading players of the industry. The China Steel Industry report provides basic company profile, history, financial highlights, performance data, recent development and SWOT analysis of Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, Baosteel Co. Ltd, Anshan Iron & Steel Group, Angang Steel Company Ltd., Wuhan Iron & Steel Group, Hebei Iron & Steel Group Company Ltd.

Table of Content
1. Industry Profile
1.1 Global Steel Industry
1.2 China Steel Industry
1.2.1 The Structure of the Industry
1.2.2 Fragmentation of the Chinese Steel Industry
1.3 Industry Production
1.3.1 Production of Steel Products
1.3.2 Production by Province
2. Market Trends and Outlook
2.1 Steel Consumption
2.2 Imports Market
2.3 Exports Market
2.3.1 Impact of China Export on Southeast Asia
2.4 Prices
2.5 Market Outlook
3. Leading Players and Comparative Matrix
3.1 Leading Players
3.1.1 Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation Baosteel Co. Ltd
3.1.2 Anshan Iron & Steel Group Corporation Angang Steel Company Ltd
3.1.3 Wuhan Iron & Steel Group
3.1.4 Hebei Iron & Steel Group Company Ltd
3.2 Comparative Matrix
3.3 SWOT Analysis

4. Tables and Charts
Table 1: Major Steel Producing Countries (million metric tons) in 2008 and 2009
Table 2: Top 20 Steel Exporting Countries in 2009 (million metric tons)
Table 3: Top 20 Steel Importing Countries in 2009 (million metric tons)
Table 4: Major Chinese Steel Producers (million tons) in 2008 and 2009
Table 5: Production of Finished Steel Products (thousand tons) in 2008 and 2009
Table 6: Steel Production by Province (thousand tons) in 2008 and 2009
Table 7: Steel Imports by Quantity (thousand tons) from 2003 to 2009
Table 8: Steel Export by Quantity (thousand tons) from 2003 to 2009
Table 9: Price of Whorl Steel 22mm Q235 by Province (RMB per ton) from 2006 to 2009
Table 10: Baosteel Co. Ltd Distribution of Business Income and Cost of Principal Business Segments (RMB million)
Table 11: Leading Players Financial Highlights 2008 and 2009
Chart 1: World Crude Steel Production (‘000 metric tons) from 2003 – 2009
Chart 2: World Steel Production by Geographical Distribution in 2009
Chart 3: Production of Steel and Steel Products from 2001 to August 2010
Chart 4: Production of Iron Ore, Pig Iron and Coke from 2002 to August 2010
Chart 5: Production of Steel Billet by Large and Medium Enterprises from 2002 to August 2010
Chart 6: Imports of Iron Ore from 2000 to 2008
Chart 7: Steel Product Exports in China from January 2009 to August 2010
Chart 8: Exports of Selected Steel Products by Value from 2007 to August 2010
Chart 9: Trade Balance of Iron & Steel from 2005 to August 2010
Chart 10: Prices of Selected Steel Products (RMB per ton) from January 2009 to July 2010
Chart 11: EBITDA per Ton Forecast from 2004 to 2011
Chart 12: EBITDA per Ton by Region from 2006 to 2015
Chart 13: Baosteel Co. Ltd Distribution of Steel and Steel Products

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